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Dentist Blog

Propel Your Dental Practice Into Another Level With Teledentistry

Teledentistry allows patients to stay safe and productive while having better access to care, and more optimized information about dentistry, among other benefits. Likewise, providing virtual care immensely helps dentists take their dental practice to the next level. Dentists and dental providers have embraced Teledentistry with open arms and see the immense advantages such as:…

When Patients Search “Dentists Open Near Me” Can They Find You

Have you been struggling to think of ways to get more patients to come to your dental practice? Are you frustrated by everything you have to do to reach out to more patients, only to find that you don’t get the ROI you’re looking for? These are just some of the reasons that more dentists…

Prospective Patients are Looking for a Dentist Like You Right Now

Is your dental practice growing as quickly as you would like? Has it felt like your growth has dropped off or even completely stopped? Dental practices have been dealing with this essentially all over. With so many dental practices around, you might have to do more to stand out from the pack. Here at Denteractive,…

When Someone Searches for “Dentist Near Me,” Make Sure They Can Find You

Have you been looking to expand your dental practice? Do you want to bring in new patients but aren’t certain of the best way to go about it? Here at Denteractive, we’ve been helping dentists just like you to reach more potential patients than ever before. Our 24 7 app makes it possible to get…

People are Looking for a Dentist Right Now, Can They Find You?

When prospective patients go looking for a dentist, will they be able to find you? Is it easy for people struggling with dental issues to find you, online or off? Every dentist has to answer that question for themselves. Over our years of working with dentists, we’ve found that there’s usually something more that a…

A Better Way to Handle a Dental Consultation and So Much Else

You’re trying to grow your dental practice. People are reaching out to you… but there just isn’t room at your practice. Rather, there aren’t “rooms” at your practice. Sure, you might have a few, but they’re always booked with people looking for follow-ups, consultations, second opinions, and something similar. You want to expand and help…

More Than Just Teledentistry for Dentists at Denteractive

“OK, the videoconferencing is very good and all that, but what does Denteractive offer dentists in addition to teledentistry?” From talking to dentists, we’ve heard some version of that question many times. The truth is that we built Denteractive for dentists and patients alike. The idea was that both could use it to get what…

Teledentistry: Where It Is, Where it Came From, and Where It’s Going

Today, here at Denteractive, we’re proud to offer the absolute best, most advanced form of teledentistry. We were the pioneers of consumer Teledentistry and intend to lead the way in the future.   That’s true as of this writing and it’s true of whenever you’re reading this, too.  As teledentistry continues to develop, so will…

An Online Dentist Platform Made for Patients by Dentists

As teledentistry becomes more and more popular, there will be more and more teledentistry apps available. Sure, as of this moment there aren’t that many, but the demand for virtual medicine will increase in time. As it does so, it becomes all that much more important that you seek out the best teledentistry and virtual…

Q: What is Teledentistry? A: Dental Care of the Future, Today

Have you been looking for a way to get dental care without having to go to a dentist’s office? Are you curious about it but aren’t so sure? What is teledentistry? Well, here at Denteractive we’ve designed an online platform where you can get the dental care you need when you need it. Denteractive was…

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